Android app configuration

Create a Managed Gmail account -
From the same browser that is logged into Endpoint Manager

Browse to - Google Play Work -
Select - Sign-in

Create Account -
To manage my business

Create the Google Business Account


Link the Managed Google Play account to Intune
Devices - Enroll Devices

Android Enrollment - Managed Google Play

Select - I agree
Select - Launch Google to connect now

The Google Play Business Store will open in a new window
Click - Get Started

Enter the business details

Enter the business contact details as needed

Complete Registration

Managed Google Play will update and now be connected

Android Enterprise options will now be available.


Log into the Google Play Business Store to review the apps -

My Managed Apps
There are four apps automatically authorised.

You can view these authorised apps in Endpoint Manager
Apps - Android

The apps are already authorised and available.
They are not assigned at this stage.

Assigning and deploying Android apps -

Select the app you want to assign
Microsoft Authenticator

As per the Microsoft highlighted info - Click - Properties

Next to Assignments - select - Edit

As I want to set this as a Required install - in the Required section - select - Add Group

Select the appropriate groups
I have selected my MFA group to assign to all users.
I have also selected the dynamic device group associated with the Device category for Android BYOD devices that users will use to enroll their BYOD Android devices.

Click - Review and Save


The app information will now update.
