Deploying Android apps

Pre-requisites -
Please ensure you have already registered with Google Play Store Business by following this guide - Link


Sign in to the Google Play Work portal -
Select - My Managed Apps -

You will see the apps that have been authorised.
By default, there will already be four apps pre-authorised and available for deployment.

To authorise more app and have them appear within Endpoint Manager, search for the app you want to authorise.

I have searched with the keyword - Microsoft - and the results appear.

Select an app - Teams

The app page will load
Select approve -

Click- Approve

Review the approval settings and update if needed.

Review and update notifications

Select - Done

Teams will now show as approved

Click - My Managed Apps

Teams has now been added.


Deploying Android apps

Apps - Android

Now we can see the currently available Apps

Add -

Use the drop down arrow to expand.

Select - Managed Google Play app

Click - Select

In the Managed Google Play section -
Click Sync