Strategies, options and challenges for Shared Devices

DEM - Device Enrollment Managers
Allows the streamlined deployment of Share Devices - Link

Creating an Azure AD group for Shared Devices
This can streamline the process of deploying machines via Autopilot - Link

Autopilot adding to a device group for Shared Devices

Automatically add devices to groups during Autopilot registration

Device category and adding to a dynamic device group for Shared Devices
Add the device to the dynamic device group via the Intune Admin portal or via the Company Portal

WebApp issues and workarounds
Use of PowerShell script to create URL links on the Public Desktop for all users - Link

Disk space limitations
Deploy a PowerShell script to disable OST creation - Link

Issues with apps and workarounds - Machine Wide Installs
VMWare registry update for Microsoft Teams - Link
Microsoft Teams machine wide install - Link
OneDrive for Business machine wide install - Link


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